Canned food for your fish! - New replacement and new products

Canned food for your fish is 100% natural, free of pathogens and additives. The advantage of this type of food prevails over fresh food since it improves the conservation quality and does not cloud the water, for example. The fish usually eat it very well, in fact some devour it, it's amazing!

We are going to show you in a video what these cans are like on the inside and most importantly, how well our fish eat them.

We have several types of food, as well as savings formats for large aquariums with many fish.

We have: cyclops, brine shrimps (artemia), bloodworms, mysis and antartik krill

If you don't know which one would suit your fish best, write to us and we will help you select the food that best suits your fish.

We are going to give you a conservation trick:

This food has a shelf life of around 10 years UNOPENED, it does not need refrigeration as long as it is not opened.

Once opened, you can keep it in the refrigerator for 30 days.

How can you preserve it even better so that it lasts longer?

Spread the contents of the can into a transparent bag and flatten all the contents inside, as if you were making a plate of fish porridge.

Once you have it well distributed, take it to the freezer and ready to use in portions when you need it.

Here you can see how we use Bloodworms

See this short on YouTube

Do you need more info? Write to us!

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