Sakana Feeding

Without a quality, healthy and balanced diet, we will never get our fish to look the way we would like.
We have selected 12 references of the best food for your fish from the SAKANA brand, each of them specialized in what your fish needs.
We start with a summary of the characteristics of each of the references that we have for sale at Firemouth Aquaristic . If you want to see expanded information, ingredients or analysis, you just have to go to the sheet of each product by clicking on the name
1. Artemi a scale: It is a growth-enhancing food  

2. Kalga Scale: Vegetable food that promotes digestion

3. Escama Kcolor: Color highlighting multi-complementary food

4. Premium Scale: Main premium food for ornamental fish  

5. Cichlid pellet: Main food for omnivorous cichlids  

6. Spirulina Granule: Main food for herbivorous species  

7. Adhesive Spirulina pill: Adhesive or background vegetable contribution  

8. Protein Adhesive Tablet : Adhesive or background protein contribution  

9. Pellet baby : Main food for the smallest ones in the aquarium  

10. Pellet Medium Sinking : Main food for bottom omnivores  

11. Mini pellet : Main food for small omnivores  

12. Freeze-dried Gammarus: The complement for turtles and other reptiles  

You can place your order through our online store, by clicking on this link:

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